Brenda Smith
Licensed In IA
- C.
I am proud to say that I have lived my entire life here in Dubuque. Born in the early sixties I grew up in the days of riding bikes, swimming in the ponds, drinking from the hose and playing with the rabbits and chickens when visiting grandma and grandpas house. Those days passed by fast and before long my own family grew. I have 5 wonderful children who have made my life interesting and full! Throw in a total of 7 grandchildren and we are complete.
After my children were almost grown, I decided to return to school. I graduated suma cumm laude from the University of Dubuque in 2016 with a Bachelors of Science degree in Graphic Design. While in college I had the opportunity to travel to Spain. Witnessing another culture is an experience I will never forget.
2016 was also the start of my real estate career. Real estate and architecture have always interested me so I decided the best place to find both of those was right here in Dubuqe. I love the fact that there is so much interest in restoring the decades old buildings in our town. I look forward to seeing how many wonderful old buildings they bring back to life!